Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Hustle never sleeps

oct promises to be a hectic and hard working month. So i decided to work with a dance company in VA for the next 3 months helping to educate their tap dancers, plus teaching a youth class at Coppin University and Dimensions, plus teaching an outreach class, plus creating my childrens book, plus rehearsing for the performance at the Folklorical festival in Colombia. Don't forget the occasional rehearsals with Farafina Kan, 2 festivals in DC. Oh and my regular full time job with Joy of Motion Dance Center.

Whew I'm tired just writing it.

When you're an artist and you want to be more successful you have to be up on how to get your talent out there. I'm learning not to let it be a gimmic, (don't know how to spell that) let your talent speak for yourself.  My goal...tour the world sharing what i love. I wanna do so much. I wanna create a place for Tap dancers in the DMV to come together and hone our skills and share with one another and support each other. I think I can do it but not without help.

So what's going on right now in the DC Tap scene? ummmm its here and we're working on uniting and working with each other. We have classes going, but we can do more definitely. but my forever question is how to reach those people out there that think Tap is dead or those that don't know much about tap. How do we get more tap in shows? how do we get it to be a subject in the dance departments across the world. How do we get more touring companies? these will be my questions for ever... or until I get them answered.

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