Friday, September 10, 2010

And it Don't Stop

I'm learning to be a successful artist you gotta keep moving and looking for ways to promote yourself. So I've been up for hours these past couple nights trying to create a flyer for the event Just Tap is performing at. I have no real skills in flyer design, I gotta use what I have.

On top of this I've finished writing my first children's book and i'm starting to work with an illustrator. Its hard because I don't know the process very well and want to make sure i'm not going to get taken advantage of, so i'm crossing all the T's and dotting the I's. or is it the other way around.

Tomorrow morning I'll be hosting an audition for the year round dance program I'll be running this year. Its pretty cool to be able to inspire kids who have an interest in learning and performing. Great thing is they'll be able to take dance classes for free. Giving back to the community.

My goal as an artist to educate correctly on the dance style I love so much and to entertain. There's so many artists who do what I do, but I wanna do it differently. I'm wondering if that's even possible. guess we'll see.

If you're in DC come check out Just Tap at 4:20 at the Black Family Reunion, Teen Tent on the National Mall

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