Monday, November 7, 2011

Opportunities WOAH!

Over the past couple months my life has been buzzing with opportunities and I'm so excited to share with you. I am now officially a self published author. My first children's book "Lucky's Tap Dancing Feet" is now available for purchase through my website, This is such a dream come true. Since its arrival I have presenting Lucky at Dance Dimensions, Hunter Woods Elementary School, and Tapology Festival for Youth. The feedback has been amazing. next up, national book tour... hopefully.

I've recently returned from the Tapology Festival for Youth in Flint, Michigan. It feels good to share with the youth in Flint. This is the place where my dreams were first founded so coming back to encourage others to grab their dreams is always great. I must admit I was nervous about how my classes would turn out since I'm more known for Tap dancing at home, but I was blown away by how many people came took class.

Right after I got off the plane it was time to go into rehearsals with The Washington Ballet for their production "The Great Gatsby" at The Kennedy Center. Performing at The Kennedy Center has been a major goal of mine so an opportunity like this, I was all in. Opening night and my nerves are a mess. I'm all over the place emotionally, so scared I almost ran back home. One of the biggest moments of my life and I'm so nervous I could throw up. Imagine performing a solo in a female tuxedo complete with top hat, patent leather heel tap shoes, and white gloves. My solo took place on top of a raised platform (umm I'm afraid of heights). Once again I wanted to run back to the dressing room and lock the door. 7 shows later the crowd and company loves my performance and I can stop holding my breath.

I've spent most of my life preparing for these moments and opportunities so when they finally come, I had to be able to deliver. So what's up next? Creating a full length performance for the Kennedy Center Millennium Stage and Intersections Festival "A New America" 2012

What moments are you preparing for?


Monday, August 29, 2011

You are your brand

Today I had another meeting with the Ty Brooks Design Company. AMAZING! She knows her stuff. Normally as artist we try to think of things to help get our artistry out there and get noticed. We feel our way thru different things like creating a website or designing our own business cards and promotion material and really... it looks horrible.

I've learned to consult people who know what they're doing. Not those people that know a lil bit and do it as a side job, NO. I mean the one's that study it and are creative. I dig the Ty Brooks Design Company because she tells it straight and has an eye for funky creativity. Clap clap Bravo.

As artist we have to understand that we are our brand and what we put out in the universe and the world wide web represents us. So now my goal is to make sure I represent my brand each and everyday.

Well what does that mean Quynn?

It means that everything I wear has to fit who I am and what I represent. It means the way I present my self in this world must be true to me and my brand. I could go on, but no one wants to read it. Just know that YOU ARE YOUR BRAND and you should find someone to help you and your brand grow in the industry

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Peru 2011

I was so grateful to have been invited to perform at the International Festival de Cajon in Lima, Peru and teach at the Nacional Escuela Superior de Folklore. The experience was amazing as usual. Collaborating with Ryan Johnson and Colectivo Palenke was amazing. We created 3 new authentic pieces just for the Peru tour.

The workshops with the school were the best ever. The students... so hungry to learn and explore the dances. Tap, stepping, body percussion, West African dance. They were all in and so were we. check out the photos.

Festival Nacional De Cajon Peruano
Photo by Milena Carranza Valcarcel
Festival Nacional De Cajon Peruano
Photo by Milena Carranza Valcarcel

Nacional Escuela Superior de Folklore
Photo by Milena Carranza Valcarcel

Nacional Escuela Superior de Folklore
Photo by Milena Carranza Valcarcel

Nacional Escuela Superior de Folklore
Photo by Milena Carranza Valcarcel

Monday, May 30, 2011


There are so many projects that I have inside of me and want to bring to life. I have to bring them to life. I've created an awesome children's book about a horse that wants to Tap dance, I received an e-mail inviting Just Tap to the world renowned Kennedy Center Millennium Stage, touring the world and sharing my gifts. I could keep going but i don't wanna bore you. These projects I'm so passionate about don't come from they air. They're given to me by God. I have to bring them to life.

Anytime you have a project that you're passionate about you have to research it and build a "plan of attack." How are you gonna get this to the world. For me my projects are exciting and scary at the same time. Exciting because its a dream coming true, scary because of the elements needed to come together and the possibility of failure. But you know what. NEVER START A PROJECT IF YOU'RE SCARED OF FAILING! I'm determined to pursue my projects as though failure is not an option, because its not.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lima, Peru Tour 2011

Whew just got off the plan from my second Tap Dance Tour in Lima, Peru. Totally amazing. This tour tops my last by being able to share it with fellow dance partner Ryan Johnson. His company, Rawsound ( was invited to come and perform at the 4th Annual Cajon Festival International. Performers and percussionist from all over the world.

We collaborated with my favorite Afro Peruvian group Colectivo Palenke and created fusion pieces with the Cajon, Tap, and West African Dance. Totally thrilling. 4 fusion pieces were created in 1 rehearsal. That's all we had time for and we made it work. Its always important to be flexible when working with other artists. You never know what kind of dance environment you're going to be in and what kind of floor you're gonna have. Even the stage for the performance had to be created. Over all the work was done and it was great. Fusion with a local Flamenco company was great as well. I was nervous about the time signature but it worked well.

An amazing collaboration with the Escuela Nacional Superior de Folklore. A special school for students interested in studying the folklore dances of Peru. These kids were hungry to learn. We taught them Tap, West African, and Body Percussion. When given a water break the just kept dancing love it. Talk about going hard. Our hope is to come back and do longer workshops with them. We gave them a nice donation of dance shoes too. Global Outreach here we come.

I definitely feel like I up'd my spanish speaking skills too. So much work to be done to keep creating relationships between the artists there and the dance programming. Looking forward to the return of Tap in Peru.

Photos and video to come

Friday, March 25, 2011


Where do you find your's?

Its hard to pin down one source of inspiration for me. Probably because there's so much good stuff going on right now. I mean good music. Non-mainstream music. Artist who are living for the art. There's so many people I could post, but here's who i'm digging tonight. check it out

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New year New you

So i had some new head shots take of myself to use for my website, my children's book, and auditions, ect. Here's a few what do you think?