Thursday, December 9, 2010

Random Thoughts

Random thought... will I ever get to the place that I wanna be? I'm sitting here overwhelmed with all the projects that I've placed upon myself and I'm excited that they're coming to life. But at the same time they're a lot of work. I created a children's book titled Lucky's Tap dancing feet and its coming along very well. Illustrations are almost finished. But once they're done what's next? So i'm working on the next steps.
-how to get it printed
-how much to charge
-where to market it
-how to get the word out
-gotta create a website for it
-how can I cut out the middle man
-need a copy of the book in spanish

All these thoughts are going thru my head and I wanna scream. I want someone to just tell me what to do. what's the best route? how can I bring this dream to life, not spend so much money, educate kids on tap, and make a profit. Turn the passion into profit is what its all about. I'm starting to think there's no full proof way to bringing your dreams to life and no one can tell you what to do with your dream or your passion because its your's ) pep talk for myself. I have tons of dreams and I am excited for all of them to manifest, but understanding it takes time is another issue. I'm of the now generation and I want my dream now! event though I know it won't happen right now it won't stop me form pushing. No matter what this dream will become a reality.

Enjoy this picture of the character for my children's book.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

International Festival de Cajon in Lima, Peru

I started editing some footage from my tour of peru in 2009. i now have a great computer where I can edit footage and clips and such. I traveled to Peru for the International Festival de Cajon in Lima, Peru. The festival was created by Senor Rafael Santa Cruiz. He's awesome. I think of him as my Tio Rafael sometimes. While there I collaborated on a show with Colectivo Palenke great group of young musicians and dancers who are keeping the traditions of the Afro-Peruvian community alive. The people in Peru were wonderful. Very welcoming and helpful. The food was amazing. I've never tasted such fresh food. I mean strawberry juice that tastes like real strawberries.

The artist for the festival were all maestros or masters of their art form. Check out the clip of me performing with Colectivo Palenke on youtube at

This was my first time touring a country as a professional performing artist. It was amazing. The culture, the food, the music, I fell in love with Peru. Check out some of my pics